Friday, 16 January 2026

Welcome to Scottish Family History

This blog is run by members of  Cumnock History Group.

Cumnock is a town in Ayrshire and the History Group members are interested in its history and the history of its inhabitants. We have discovered that many of us are linked through marriages so we have our own big family tree in which we aim to link families who lived there and their ancestors and descendants.  We are approaching 10,000 names on the tree.

We are researching Cumnock men who fought in WW1. It started with the names on the War Memorial but has gone beyond that and includes local women who served as nurses. Read about them here

Kay, the group secretary, has been running family history workshops in Cumnock Library and has decided to share some tips with a wider audience.  Some tips will seem pretty basic and self evident. Congratulate yourself if you knew that already! 

We hope you find it helpful and do visit our site and look us up on Facebook.


Groups: Cumnock Family History
Old Cumnock

and on Twitter @CumnockHistory

Oh, and if you're wondering why this post is dated 2026, it is a cunning ploy to keep this post at the top!